
What are the Symptoms of Stomach Microbes?

The stomach bug is the main cause of stomach ulcers, which are folded, spiral-shaped bacteria. This microbe lives in the stomach and can remain there for many years without the person being aware of its existence and causes many diseases.

Stomach germs are very dangerous as they cause frequent infections in the stomach. It also causes stomach ulcers and irritation in the colon and has a great ability to destroy the small intestine. In addition, this microbe causes difficulty in digestion and is the main reason for some vitamins and elements entering the body to be blocked. The presence of this microbe in the stomach for many years can lead to stomach or colon cancer. This microbe is very common and infects many people around the world. It affects more than 40% of the world’s population. In this article, we will introduce you to the most important symptoms of stomach microbes and speed up their treatment to prevent any complications.

Symptoms of Stomach Microbe

1. Stomach Pain

When a person is infected with stomach germs, they feel persistent pain in their stomach, whether their stomach is empty or full. When the stomach is empty, the patient feels a cramp-like pain in the upper third of the stomach. These pains can be mild or severe and can be unbearable when the condition develops. When the abdomen is full of food, the patient also feels fatigue and stomach pain accompanied by gas and severe bloating, even when eating light meals.

2.Weight Loss

A patient with stomach bacteria will significantly lose weight and have a reduced appetite for food. The patient feels unwilling to eat and loses his appetite significantly, even for foods that were previously appetizing. Stomach pain that the person feels constantly plays a big role in the feeling of not wanting to eat.

3.Drowsiness and Fatigue

Symptoms of lethargy and fatigue are among the most obvious signs felt by a person with stomach germs. The patient feels tired, persistent fatigue, and a desire to be unable to perform any activity. The patient also has a strong desire to sleep for a long time. The main reason for feeling tired and exhausted is that food is not well digested in the patient’s stomach and waste products are not removed from the body. This leads to a drastic increase in toxins in the body. The stomach bug causes minerals and vitamins not to be well absorbed in the body, which causes anemia, which causes laziness and fatigue.

4. Bloating, Heartburn, and Vomiting

A patient with stomach germs permanently feels bloating, whether their stomach is full or empty, or if they consume light or fatty foods. However, the feeling of bloating and gas increases when the patient leaves his stomach empty for a long time or eats fatty food. In addition, the patient feels acidity and the acidity felt by the patient with stomach microbes is different from normal acidity. The main cause of heartburn is most likely caused by eating fried foods or meals containing a lot of fat. However, in case of stomach germ infection, the patient feels a lot of heartburn without eating fatty foods. The patient also has very frequent vomiting. Vomiting occurs while eating any food, and this vomiting may be accompanied by some blood.

5. Other Symptoms

– Stool color change: The stool of a person infected with stomach microbes has a dark color close to black.

– Bad breath: The patient’s mouth smells bad even with regular tooth brushing and oral care. Bad breath is caused by stomach infection and the presence of rotting food residues in the stomach.

– Bleeding: The patient suffers from bleeding and bleeding arises from several areas, whether through vomiting or stool.

– Stomach ulcers: Stomach germs cause recurrent stomach ulcers, causing severe pain in the stomach area and loss of appetite for food.

– Anemia: The patient suffers from this because of the poor absorption of iron in the body and the frequent bleeding that the patient experiences.


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