Foods Good for Rheumatism
Today, inflammatory fluid accumulation in joints that can be seen in people of all ages is called rheumatism. The treatment of this disease takes a long time and restricts the movement and activities of people. Foods are available for people with this disease. What are these foods?
This disease affects the joints together with the disorders in the immune system. Since pain in joints forces our daily lives, our movements and activities are restricted. Food can be helped to relieve these pains. Of course, not every food can be beneficial for every rheumatic disease. It is also useful to learn the right nutritional program from your doctor and consume it.
Here are the some of these foods…
Pomegranate extract; Some research in recent years is that pomegranate juice can reduce joint swelling and pain. Although there is no definitive information about this issue, it is quite certain that it has an effect on rheumatic pain.
The fish; The omega 3 and omega fatty acid contents of fish grown in cold water (salmon, tuna, etc.) have therapeutic effect in inflammatory conditions. Eating more than one fish in a week helps to relieve joint pain.
Flax seed; This food is rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. There is also a nutrient-like substance inside. This substance is effective in reducing joint pain. It is important for those who have regular medication to consult a doctor without using flax seeds.
Currant – borage grass; Omega 6 fatty acids found in seeds are found in high amounts in both of these foods. This fatty acid called gamma linolenic acid is a good anti-inflammatory. In addition, currants and primroses are also among this food group. In addition to its useful content, it can harm the liver when overloaded. It is necessary to use it in consultation with a specialist.
Egg; Thanks to the sulfur and vitamin B it contains, it is important in joint and tissue development. Sulfur is an essential ingredient for bone and muscle tissue development. It is a food that should be consumed with caution because it increases the cholesterol ratio.
It should be remembered that besides nutrition in joint and rheumatic pain, exercise also contributes greatly to the treatment process. Exercises that take half an hour a day are important in relieving pain and strengthening the muscles.