
Celery Juice Benefits and Contraindications

Since celery juice is an oxalate-rich food, you should not consume it in large quantities, especially if you have inflammation or other bladder-related problems. Read our article to learn about the benefits and contraindications of celery juice!

Have you included celery juice in your diet? Are you sure this is the best way to consume this vegetable? In this article, we will tell you about the properties of celery juice, its benefits, and contraindications.

The main properties of celery

Celery is a plant belonging to the parsley family. Its scientific name is ‘Apium graveolens’. People have been aware of the healing properties of this plant since ancient times. Even historians say that Charlemagne, King of the Franks, once issued an order for people to grow certain plants and herbs, including celery, in their fields.

Celery is an ideal herb for kidneys. It stimulates these organs to eliminate waste that your body does not need. Thus, it also helps to improve fluid accumulation and cellulite.

It may even help dilute the uric acid that affects the joints, acting as an anti-inflammatory. For this reason, it is seen as a portion of suitable food for rheumatism and gout diets.

Benefits of celery

1. It is a purifier

Because it contains potassium, celery can stimulate urine production and helps prevent fluid buildup. It also helps to eliminate toxins. Celery juice is ideal in this regard, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.

2. It is a natural laxative

It helps to naturally relieve constipation caused by nervous reasons such as stress. This is because it is rich in dietary fiber.

3. Aids indigestion

Thanks to its mineral content, this herb helps to neutralize stomach acid while helping to heal stomach ulcers and indigestion.

4. Helps to eliminate kidney stones and gallstone

This herb contains antispasmodic components. This helps eliminates toxins that can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. In addition, celery juice helps to eliminate kidney stones by increasing urine production. Because the increase in urine production facilitates the stone removal process.

Is it good to drink celery juice?

Many people say that celery juice is almost miraculous. In addition, actresses such as Gwyneth Paltrow have shared stories about the “powerful healing properties” of this herb.

So is it really useful?

It’s no surprise that anything mentioned by someone with a large following and influencer power draws attention. After all, celery definitely has health benefits. This herb contains flavonoids that can reduce brain inflammation or age-related memory decline.

In addition, celery contains plenty of fiber, vitamins C and K, and potassium. It is also a very low-calorie snack. Its 12 cm stem has only 3 calories. One cup of chopped celery has only 20 calories.

However, this may change when you turn celery into celery juice.

The concentrated form of a vegetable or fruit is richer in sugar, carbohydrates, and calories. A glass of celery juice is 42 calories. Therefore, it is much better to consume calories as a snack. It’s crunchy, low in calories, and will satisfy your hunger. It is even often recommended for people trying to lose weight.

Things to remember about celery juice

Although drinking celery juice is beneficial for your health, the juice of this plant is probably not a miraculous remedy. We recommend consuming celery as part of a balanced, all-inclusive diet. However, you need to be cautious about the food trends that celebrities support.

Generally speaking, just because a celebrity endorses a food or drink for a particular reason doesn’t mean science supports the same thing. You should know that there is no miraculous food or drink that will completely transform your health or cure a disease.

Contraindications of celery juice

Celery is an oxalate-rich food. For this reason, you should not consume large amounts, especially if you have inflammation or any other problem with the bladder. You should also remember that this substance inhibits calcium absorption.

It is also not recommended for pregnant women as it is a menstrual accelerator and contains apiin (a chemical compound also found in garlic and parsley). Because it can cause miscarriage when consumed in large quantities.

Finally, if you use it as a diuretic, we recommend that you increase your potassium consumption (bananas, vegetables, etc.). This is because diuretics can reduce the minerals in your body.

As a result, celery is undoubtedly good for your health. However, you should not believe that celery juice is a magic potion that will help you lose your extra pounds.


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