Life Style

How Should You Approach Your Children With Constructive Criticism?

Parents work hard to prepare their children for life, to teach them the flow of life, to show them the rules, and to give them the information they will need for their entire lives. There are many different methods and practices that parents can use to achieve this. One of them is constructive criticism. Constructive criticism, which is accepted by many experts as being very effective and can lead to positive results when done correctly, is also counted among the best instructive methods. So how should you do constructive criticism when communicating and conveying things to your child? Here are some suggestions for you.

You shouldn’t act exponentially when criticizing

Criticism has a structure that can give positive or negative results depending on how it is made. While you are in this process, which can be constructive or destructive depending on what the criticism is, you should definitely not exhibit an exponential attitude when approaching your child. Children enter into a mixed feeling of fear when being criticized. If you want to prevent this and make your criticism constructive, you should be calm, talk on the same level as him, not yell or take on an overbearing air.

You should do the criticism with appreciation.

Criticism, by its nature, always highlights the negative aspects, so it is usually in a structure that disturbs the other side. To avoid this, when you criticize anything about your child, don’t just point out the bad side. At the same time, try to appreciate him by highlighting his good sides. If you criticize with appreciation, you will have the chance to convey the message you want to give to your child more clearly.

You should try to turn criticism into collaboration.

When you need to criticize your child, there is usually a problem and it is necessary to act to solve it. If you want your criticism to be constructive, you should direct your child to the solution of the problem. This will also contribute to the development of his sense of self and personal development. If you create a collaborative environment and walk with your child while criticizing, you are on the right track.

You must be consistent and logical

The success of a critique depends on being on the same track as what you have done before, having internal consistency and passing through a logical filter. Since children will understand the difference very well, you should criticize on a single plane without contradicting what you have said before. In this way, you will have taken a giant step towards being constructive, as the child will put what he says on a logical plane in his mind.

When criticizing, you should make him feel love, respect and trust.

Criticism means transferring your knowledge and experience about any subject to your child at the end of the day and expressing a problem you see in this way. If you want to be constructive, positive and positive while doing this, you need to establish the triangle of love, respect and trust very well. You can reach the point you want to reach faster if you convey what you want to convey in a completely respectful and loving way without adding a new one to the subject you are talking about, without confusing the past.


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